A List Of Stretches To Do Before Going Jogging

By Stephanie- Larkin-

Many people believe that stretching before jogging is not important enough to include as part of their workout. Others think of jogging as sort of like a warm up for running or other exercises. Both of these assertions are not accurate. One of the more important parts of a regular daily jogging schedule is the time spent in stretching all the muscles that you will be using as you jog. Cutting short on the total time spent exercising by eliminating the stretching portion is seen as a time saver for many who are constantly in a rush.

Stretching should be used both by itself and in conjunction with other exercises to relax the muscles and help to eliminate the risk of injuries. Stretching should be used after exercises as well as between various types of more strenuous exercises. Even before beginning the stretching regimen, you should warm up your muscles using continuous movements of the major muscle groups that you will be stretching. An example of a good warm up exercise is climbing a flight of stairs. Failure to warm up the muscles and get the circulation moving through your system can result in significant injuries such as pulled muscles or worse.

Many of the major muscles groups are used when jogging, so stretches that include the hamstrings, quads, calves, hips and thighs, adductors and groin muscles will help to prevent painful pulls and cramps due to restricted blood flow to the muscles you are about to put into play. In addition, flexing foot and ankle muscles will loosen those areas and get the circulation moving there as well. Even if you forget to do the stretches before beginning the jogging, stop and stretch before going on, then return to the jogging once the muscles are warmed up and loose.


A good exercise for hamstrings is to bend from the waist and touch your toes. Each stretch should be held for up to 30 seconds and it is important to remember to take full breaths. Also, it is important to avoid locking the knees and certainly do not bounce. Bouncing while doing a stretch may cause the muscles to stretch beyond their normal limits. This can cause painful injuries. Simply hold the stretched position placing mild tension on the muscles. This stretch should be repeated up to four times while breathing slowly through each stretch.


A second stretch for loosening and toning the hamstrings is to sit flat on the floor with both legs extended in front of you. Bend the left leg and place the sole of the foot against the right leg, then allow the left leg to relax and lay flat on the floor. Bend forward at the waist gradually and you will feel the pull in the hamstrings. Don’t force the stretch; just hold it at a mild tension for thirty seconds, breathing fully. Repeat the stretch up to four times with each leg.


Stretch those quads by standing straight and raise the knee up and grasp the foot with your hand. Maintain your balance by holding onto the wall or to your workout partner. Hold this stretch also for up to thirty second and repeat three to four times with each leg. Maintain regular full breathing during this and each of the stretches.


Stretching the calf muscles can be accomplished by placing the palms of your hands flat against a wall at shoulder height. The feet should be placed flat and one behind the other. By moving the rear back gently while keeping the heel pressed against the floor, you will feel the stretch in the calf muscles. Repeat this same process with the other leg. The spine should remain in a straight line and continue to face the wall while slowly stretching gently.

Thighs and Hips

Complete this stretch by standing straight with your legs spread wide. Your legs should be about twice your shoulder width apart. Face to the right with the feet and face and slowly bend the right leg to form a 90 degree angle by lowering the body. Arms can be used to maintain balance and it’s important to keep the back straight. Reverse the procedure toward the left.


Stand upright with your feet spread to approximately two shoulder width in distance. By bending the right leg and lowering the body while keeping the back straight you will be able to feel the left leg adductor stretch. Balance can be maintained by extending the arms. Repeat the stretch using the left leg.

With each of the exercises, it is important not to rush the stretch, just move slowly and gently while maintaining full deep breaths.

About the Author: About Author:

Stephanie Larkin is a freelance writer who writes about health and fitness topics, similar to what consumers read in magazines.com/ncom/mag?mid=3442

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