Kids Toys Clean-up Reward System

Kid’s toys are a blast until it’s clean-up time. That’s when the arguing, eye-rolling and huffs and puffs begin. If you’re a parent you know what I’m talking about. It gets to the stage where you come to dislike the sound of your own voice when you say, “Please pick up those toys right now!” You know that’s going to be followed by, “Well, I didn’t put it there” or “He was the last one to use it!” It seems as if it will be a never ending battle, but that doesn’t have to be the case.

Kids Toys Clean-up Reward System

Kids will clean up their toys if you make it rewarding for them. The first thing you need to consider is what motivates kids to do anything? The answer to that is…money. Well you don’t want to pay your child money every time he picks something up, so create a reward system that will foster him to truly WANT to pick up his toys by rewarding him later with allowance. This is how you do it.

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Setting up the Kids Toys Reward System

Get a dry-erase board and write your child’s name at the top. Write letters M, T, W, Th, F, S, S (representing the days of the week) down the left side of the board. Tell your child that he will now be rewarded for cleaning up his toys every day. When he’s done cleaning each day he’s to go to his board and write down the name of the rooms he’s cleaned that day, next to that day’s letter.

Go to your child’s board with him every Sunday. Check to see what he’s cleaned that week and if he’s cleaned up 5 days that week write a #5 on the bottom of the board. Let him know that he needs to clean up 14 days before he can earn his allowance. Continue doing this each week until the tally at the bottom of the board meets or exceeds 14 days.

Deciding on an Allowance Rate

The allowance should depend on your kid’s age. If your child is younger then the allowance should be less. If your child is older then up to $5.00 is fair, but that’s really up to you. Consider the fact that if he picks up his kids toys every day then he’ll have 14 total points in 2 weeks, so you’ll be giving him an allowance twice a month. How much is cleanliness worth to you?

Making this Kids Toys Reward System Work

Kids are busy, so it’s important to encourage your child to ensure that the reward system works. The easiest way to do that is to choose a particular time each day when you verbally remind your child to clean up if he wants to earn his daily point. This way, you’ve done your part to remind him and now it’s up to him to do his part to earn his reward.

Allowance Day

When your child’s reached his 14 points for cleaning up his kids toys, it’s time to give him an allowance. Make this a special moment where you praise him for cleaning his toys and tell him how wondrous it’s been to have a clean household. Then present him with his allowance money along with a huge hug! When your child gets some bucks along with praise he’ll be doubly dedicated to cleaning his toys up from then on!