Are Apples Yet Another Food That May Help Manage Ldl Cholesterol?}

Are Apples Yet Another Food That May Help Manage LDL Cholesterol?


Christine CrottsIt seems that more and more people are trying to live healthier lives without depending on medication. This is often especially true when you contemplate the management of cholesterol levels. There are actually a lot of cholesterol drugs that do work well, but they also come with several possible side effects. It is because of these side effects, besides the dependency of being on drugs, that many people are trying to reduce bad cholesterol by changing their diet.

It also has been known that eating certain foods can have an effect on the amount of cholesterol in your blood. Through typical observation and by conducting careful studies, doctors are becoming aware that some certain foods effective reduce cholesterol levels. One of these foods is the apple. There is still research being done to provide more proof and to find out how much difference can be made by eating apples, but what has been shown so far indicates that apples reduce bad cholesterol.

What is it about apples that may help lower and control cholesterol? The first thing to think about is all of the pectin that is found in an apple, mainly in the skin of the apple. Pectin is a soluble fiber. Dietary fiber, specifically soluble fiber, is known to help combat high cholesterol. Along with apples, you can get soluble fiber from whole grains and nuts, as well as several other foods.

Apples additionally include a compound called polyphenol. This is a type of antioxidant that is found in plants. These polyphenols help to reduce the amount of bad cholesterol (LDL) by disrupting the production of VLDL, which eventually turns into LDL.

Should you now fill your kitchen with apples so you can eat them all day long? Well, it is important to focus on a well-rounded diet so simply 1-2 apples per day will provide you with sufficient benefits that apples can offer you. If eating 1-2 per day seems like a lot, you can consume them as dried apples. This is often a fast and easy snack that is easier to eat than a whole fresh apple but yet still contains every one of the nutrients. Essentially, only the water is removed.

One thing you really should be careful about is consuming apple juice. Most apple juice has added sugars which can really increase the amount of calories you consume. Trading the benefits of apples with the negatives of added calories and putting on weight is not a good thing.

Even though there are still studies being performed to confirm the effectiveness of apples on cholesterol levels, it is starting to appear that they may make an impact. Be sure to talk about virtually any changes of your diet with your health care provider, though as they old saying goes, you may not be seeing your doctor very much when you begin eating an apple a day.

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reducing bad cholesterol

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apples control cholesterol

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