Pathfinder Business Strategies Offers Timely Tax Saving Strategies To Survive The Impending Economic Downturn}

Submitted by: Drew Miles

Pathfinder Business Strategies, LLC a privately held company which advises corporations, consumers & small to mid size companies on asset protection, tax savings & wealth building strategies is urging all Americans to structure their finances properly to save as much money as possible on their taxes, and to prepare for the economic uncertainty facing the country.

Pathfinder, which is located in Sebastian Florida, is run by Drew Miles, a former attorney who after practicing law for thirteen years realized that most of his clients were unprepared financially for any sort of drastic economic downturn. When the economy takes a turn for a worse, everyone starts tightening their belts, said Mr. Miles. But one place that is often overlooked is the amount of taxes they pay.

Pathfinder Business Strategies has advised more than 5,000 small and large businesses, as well as individuals how to arrange their assets and income to pay the absolute legal minimum in taxes. We have found that the wealthiest people in the country are paying as little as 5% of their income in taxes, while the average person is paying upwards of 30-50% of their income in taxes. Drew Miles advises that the best way to prepare for a rocky economic future is to make sure that you are keeping all the money that you are legally entitled to.


Those who will be hit hardest by the struggling economy are those who can least afford it. Hard working middle-class Americans will not only feel the lifestyle altering effects of the faltering economy, but are also the ones paying the most in taxes.

The United States’ economic downturn is making headlines across the world. The falling value of the dollar, combined with the sharp decline in the housing market and skyrocketing energy prices has put many Americans in a panic about the future of the economy.

Its amazing how Im going to save, and how much this is going to help me. This year, it looks like Im going to save $30,000 in taxes. said Joronda Perry, a Pathfinder client and real estate investor from Baltimore, Maryland. Meaning that half of the income that I usually pay in taxes, Im going to get to keep.

In addition to tax savings, Pathfinder Business Strategies advises their clients on how to audit-proof their finances, protect their assets in the event of a lawsuit, and grow their retirement account completely tax-free.

Americans need all the money they can get in order to survive this financial crisis. While many people are turning to business opportunities which can turn out to be scams, Pathfinder Business Strategies offers a way to have more money on hand without having to make any more income.

It is important for people to realize that Americans are making far more money than they are actually taking home, said Drew Miles. A very large percentage of their weekly salary is lost to taxes before they ever cash a check. This money can be recovered and used to pay for rising expenses. When you realize just how much money you are losing right off the top, tax savings is like getting an instant pay raise from the government.

Pathfinder Business Strategies recently reported an average savings of ten to thirty thousand dollars in tax savings for each client. These savings are not of a one-time nature, but rather continue every year into the foreseeable future.

About the Author: I have spent years studying the tax code looking for ways to help people lower their tax bill and keep more of what they earn. Drew Miles Find Out More:


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