The Best Way For Relieving Muscle Pain

Submitted by: Lawrence Reaves

Muscle pain; its medical term is myalgia at its least painful is simply an annoyance which will go away very quickly. However, at its worst muscle pain can be extremely painful resulting in an inability to go about your daily life.

Muscle pain is generally caused by excessive tension and your body s natural response is to trigger pain senses which then make you slow down or stop using the muscle. You can muscle pain for many reasons, but generally it is due to trauma, stress or a musculoskeletal misalignment perhaps resulting from a twisted spine. The muscle tightens and remains tight and you are unable to voluntarily relax the muscle so it becomes painful and uncomfortable. This type of muscle pain is generally localized affecting one particular area.

However, there is also systemic muscle pain; this is the pain you get throughout your whole body and is very different to muscle pain caused by injury or trauma. This is usually caused by an infection and is your body s way of trying to fight off the infection. It s the muscle ache you get if you have a bad cold or influenza.


There have been multiple studies carried out relating to finding ways of alleviating muscle pain, but there is no consistent answer to date because everyone has a different pain threshold and every muscular pain is different. Common external treatments include cryotherapy; putting ice packs on the affected area, massage and stretching. Pharmaceutical treatments include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

There are many alternative or complementary therapies and medicines that many believe relief muscle pain without resorting to taking pain relieving drugs. Muscle pain can be very debilitating and when conventional medicines don t work it s likely you are willing to try anything to relief the pain. There has been a substantial rise in the number of U.S. citizens turning to alternative or complementary treatments to find a way to relieve chronic muscle pain.

Studies carried out by the American Medical Association put usage of alternative or complementary therapies as high as 40 percent and it s estimated that nearly 70 percent of the world s population regularly choose to use this type of treatment. Unfortunately, there are very few scientific studies to prove whether alternative or complementary therapies work. However, the fact that 40 percent of U.S. citizens use these therapies suggests they must have some pain relieving effect.

Often alternative and complementary medicines are used by people to effectively describe the same thing, but they are very different. Complementary therapies are those used in conjunction with Western style medicines. Alternative medicine is used in place of conventional medicine; indeed it can be positively dangerous to mix conventional medicine with alternative medicine.

Complementary pain relief techniques include diet, exercise, massage, yoga, Tai Chi to name a few. Practitioners of complementary and alternative medicine tend to view pain as something meaning the body is out of balance and their techniques restore the body s balance. The most widely used complementary practices in the U.S. are understood to be acupuncture and chiropractic while homeopathy, naturopathy, and herbal medicine are the most widely used alternative medicines.

About the Author: Complementary medication and pain relief is provided by a wide range of products from

Solstice Medicine Company

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