Training Older Dogs Is Possible}

Training Older Dogs Is Possible


Gerald Grafton

Some believe that when a dog gets to be a certain age that it has become to late to teach him proper behavior. How untrue these beliefs are. Even though training a puppy might be somewhat easier, training an older dog is certainly in your future.

Many times you will have some knowledge of the older dog that you want to train. In the instance that you have gotten your pet from a shelter or he just showed up awhile ago, you will not know much about his background. So, if the history of the older dog is unknown it will be crucial that you begin to train your pet in a kind and gentle manner.

Below you will find a few tips to help with your older dog and a few of these tips will prove useful in training a pup


Be prepared because your older dog will have picked up some pretty bad habits. Not only will you have a few things to teach him, you are going to have to un-teach him things. Do not forget your “patience” because right now he does not know right from wrong. But have comfort in knowing that he soon will.

Now that you know that its coming, be ready to stop him right in his tracks.


You will not need to yell, but you will need to use a nice firm tone while training your dog, as this will be the tool with the most impact. Try to never sound upset or angry. You want your dog to believe that you are in complete control. Look for the positive and when you see it, give him a treat and an awful lot of praise.


It is best to use simple one word commands when training older dogs or any age dog or puppy for that matter. Your pet will understand things much easier with words like; Stay, Come,Down or Sit than he will, Stay right here or I said come here


Once your dog has a basic understanding of a command, he needs to do whatever it is that you ask him the first time. There will be no begging.

This one is important. When you call your dog over to you, and he pretends that you do not exist, calmly walk over to him and bring him to you, and if he does come lavish him with praise. Anytime you have your dog 4 or 5 times to follow a command it wont be long before it is 7 or 8. So it is very important to get to the point of One Time.


Here is one thing to be conscious of, rewarding your dog with treats and praise for a job well done will take you where you want to go much faster than punishing him for unacceptable behavior. So, when he sits when you tell him or behaves the way you like, love on him for awhile and give him a little treat.

Positive reinforcement is one of the best tools that you can use to train an older dog or puppy.

Do not let the thought even enter your mind that you will not be able to teach your dog anything. If you use the right training methods and stick with it, it will seem like it didnt take much time at all to have a trained older dog.

Gerald has a true passion for animals and his love for dogs has no end. He is always trying to improve his dog knowledge and that is why he started

My Dog Training Advice

It is his purpose to help any dog owner in need with the answers they are looking for. There is nothing like a well trained dog. Go ahead and start

training your older dog today

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Training Older Dogs Is Possible }