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byAlma Abell
In almost every state vehicle insurance is a must. Motorcycles are not exempt from this law. When it comes to Motorcycle Insurance Dade City FL residents should be well informed. Florida, law states that motorcycle drives must show financial responsibility. The easiest way to do this is through the purchase of motorcycle insurance. Read on for information on what motorcycle owners in this state should know about insuring their bike and staying within the local laws and regulations.
No fault doesn’t apply to motorcycles
Florida is a no fault state. This no fault law, however, does not apply to motorcycles.
Helmets are optional for some
Insurance does not impact the protective eye-wear requirement
Even though insurance does impact the requirements for wearing a helmet, it does not impact the requirements for protective eye-wear. Any motorcyclist who rides a motorcycle must, by law, wear protective eye-wear.
Keep proof of insurance with you
It’s important to keep the proof of insurance card within easy reach whenever one is driving the motorcycle. Failing to show proof of insurance can result in various, unpleasant penalties.
State Minimums
It’s necessary to have at the very least, state minimums when it comes to insurance. For one person with bodily injury, this would be $10,000, for two or more people it’s $20,000, and $10,000 for property damage. Drivers can always choose to have more insurance, but they cannot choose to have less.
Anyone who is interested in learning more about motorcycle insurance in this area can contact East Pasco Insurance. A qualified agent can answer any questions about motorcycle insurance Dade City FL residents have. The agent can also go over policy options, and make recommendations based on an individual’s specific needs. Visit website for complete details.