Forex 3 Trading Secrets

Forex 3 Trading Secrets


Linda Green

The Forex trading is an interesting field and once you started trading and able to strengthen your hold at the trading you will naturally become fond of trading.

There are three most significant concepts that traders must know and understand about these trading concepts of pips, volume and buying-selling opportunities of the Forex trading.

Trading with pip: Whenever you trade at Forex, you will find that certain values are assigned to the currency pairs. These values assigned to the currencies are refer to as pips. The more the number of pips a trader gains the higher will be the profits.


For instance, if the trader have allotted 0.1 $ pip value and earns ten pips than the profit earned will be calculated by multiplying the pip value with the number of pips earned that is 10 x 0.1=1 $.

Buying and selling concept of Forex

: These activities form the fundamental activities of the trading. The best thing to do at such moment is that the traders should buy the currency when the price of that particular currency falls significantly and sell them when the price increases speedily at the trading platform.

Nevertheless, these actions occur in a different way at a Forex trading platform. The buyers receive the foreign currency exchange after the expecting the drop in the price but they will sell the currency at the lower price on the supposition that the currency values or prices will turn down further so that they can purchase them again at the lower prices.

Volume of Trading

: The term volume refers to as the intensity of the trading activities that occurs on that particular trading day. In another words, it signifies about the total amount of capital transacted at that trading day.

The intensity of trading depends on the business of the Forex trading and activities. That is, at any day if the Forex does less business the volume will be less, naturally.

Another point to note here is that different people trade at different trading hours and taking this point into consideration it can be said that the trading volume can be changed at any instant of time.

I am Linda Green and have keen interest in financial investments and matters related to


trade. I am working in Forex trading and financial investments for

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