Tuesday, May 26, 2009

After being on the run for about a week, Daniel Hauser and his mother, Colleen, returned home to Minnesota to attend a court hearing and proceed with treatments for Daniel’s cancer.

The charges will be dropped against Colleen Hauser and her thirteen-year-old son Daniel who has Hodgkin’s lymphoma after the pair fled a court order for chemotherapy.

Jennifer Keller, an attorney from Orange County, California, assisted the arrangement for the Hausers to return.

“She’ll abide by what the court says,” said Keller, “They always expected to return. She’s horrified people perceive her as hiding out. That isn’t what she intended. He wasn’t in any acute distress. He was quite tired. He was very, very eager to get home.”

The court hearing scheduled for Tuesday afternoon in New Ulm, Minnesota will decide custody and medical care procedures.

County Attorney James Olson said, “A lot depends upon the attitude of the parents, their willingness to get on board with a treatment plan.”

Daniel has only a five percent chance of survival without cancer chemotherapy treatments. Previous testimony revealed that Hodgkin’s lymphoma which was diagnosed January has a 90 to 95% success rate for survival with chemotherapy.

The voluntary return of Colleen and Daniel from California was videotaped and arranged by Asgaard Media which submitted the video to authorities.

Daniel is in the care of Brown County protective custody services, but was allowed the night at the family farm in Sleepy Eye supervised by sheriff’s deputies. He was seen at a Twin Cities hospital on their arrival Monday according to Tom Hagen, attorney for Collen and Anthony, Daniel’s parents.